Online Needs Assessment

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Needs Assessment
Thank you for your interest in a program with Common Ground Adventures. To offer you the
best experience possible, we would like to better understand your organization and its perceived
needs. Please take a few minutes to fill out the organizational information below and answer the following seven questions. Thank You.
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* Indicates required question
Organization *
Your answer
Contact Name *
Your answer
Contact Email *
Your answer
Contact Phone Number *
Your answer
Please give us a brief description of your group.
For example: We are (your division) within (your organization) and our job is (your responsibilities).
Your answer
What is your group’s greatest strength?
Your answer
What is your group’s most obvious weakness?
Your answer
Why do you think your organization needs a Team Building session?
Common reasons include: particular issues that need to be confronted, an organizational shift which is causing some anxiety, a new program or system change is being implemented in the near  future and we want to rev our team up ahead of time. Another way to view this question  is: “what would your group’s personality or profile be if you did not do this?”
Your answer
What do wish to accomplish from your experience with us? Do you have any clear objectives?
Another way to view this question is: “what would you like the personality or profile of your group to be after your time with us?”
Your answer
Please tell us about any other Team Building events you have done with this group in the  past.
Your answer
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your group?
Your answer
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